Friday, March 22, 2013

As the sun goes to sleep

Do you remember how our elders used to tell us stories when we were infants? Stories of how the sun would go to sleep everyday behind the mountain or under the ocean?

Even though we would learn in later years that those were just made up stories yet they still stay fresh in our minds. I like to think its because those stories are pure and have a certain beauty and innocence about them. Every little babe easily believes what he/she is told and that in its true essence is faith.

Now you may wonder what any of that has to do with today's pictures of the sunset. Well first off I did talk about the sun setting. Then I spoke of faith. This particular place is kinda special for me because it is where I got baptised last year. I took these pictures the evening before. There is a small river that flows through this valley. It is so beautiful, calm and peaceful.

Which is probably why it is a popular tourist destination. Thankfully all the three times I've been there it was deserted. There were only a handful of other people so it was still quiet, calm and peaceful - just how I like to remember it.

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