Monday, March 18, 2013

Heavenly Mosaic

After tying the dog and putting him in his kennel I usually go back to sleep (I'm lazy that way) but for some reason I didn't go to back to my warm and cozy bed that morning and I'm really happy I didn't because I would have missed the amazing sunrise if I had gone back to the land of dreams.

Needless to say the sunrise was amazing! The clouds were like a carpet spread across the sky. I could almost image walking on those soft, fluffy white clouds. Things like this always make me smile.

I quickly grabbed the camera and went out to try and capture the beauty of it all. There was a man with his dog walking towards the west. Surprisingly he seemed to be blissfully unaware of the beautiful sunrise behind him. I almost felt like shouting out and pointing him in the right direction but I didn't for two reasons - he himself looked threatening and second the I'm sure the dog would like a total stranger shouting at it or its master.

A couple of days later I ran into him on my way to school. He turned out to be quite friendly and seemed to smile a lot while talking. I still don't know his name but we exchange greetings whenever we happen to meet.

The sunrise was so amazing that I kept staring at the sky for more than an hour. Needless to say my neck hurt and I was nearly late for school. It was totally worth it!


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