Friday, May 17, 2013

After The Thorns

The thorns on a plant always (I think) come before the flowers. Take a rose for example. The thorns are there long before you even see the first bud on the plant. Take today's's the same thing.

Basically when you are going through a tough time in life just tell yourself that good times will surely follow. That's what I tell myself. I had to constantly remind myself that today (and also for the past few weeks/months). It's funny that I should be telling you this because quite frankly I have tons of doubts :P

As for the picture. A few weeks back I uploaded a picture of two flowers from a similar plant in my mom's garden. These flowers are pretty amazing because they last for a really long time! I've honestly never seen a flower that hasn't dried in such a long time. They still look like they bloomed only yesterday.

Hope you have a great weekend!

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