Friday, August 14, 2015

Happy Independence Day

It's India's 69th Independence day which means everywhere you look you're going to see at least one national flag flying high - whether it's lowly beggar begging on the street with a flag in his hand or a posh car with a flag flying beside its windshield.

I wanted to do something creative with photography for the Independence day this year. I've used eight different ingredients to create the flag in today's photograph. Can you guess what they are?

Here's a hint - I've used things that are common where I live but might not be readily available in other parts of the world and they're all edible. Ok so that's technically two hints but there you go ;)

Some of these should be incredibly easy. If I get enough queries I will share it here first and then maybe I'll even make a BTS video of the making of this photograph if people are interested.

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