Monday, November 4, 2013

The Details

Ever heard the saying "The Devil Is In The Details". It's quite a common saying/quote and a good one at that too.

On my birthday we went to Darjeeling with a visitor and went to this Tibetan Refugee Center. They used to have all kinds of awesome handicrafts but this time they seemed to have closed down quite a few workshops.

There was only one lady painting and she was so engrossed in her work that she didn't even look up at us when we entered to watch her.

The work that she was doing was so detailed that I'm sure I would mess up on the first stroke itself. She had to paint in colour over a previously painted (by her, I think) pattern. We just stood there admiring her work. It was amazing!

I was really disappointed with the SX50 HS this time. It's low light performance is absolutely horrible. The noise is terrible! Even in a RAW file the noise is a BIG problem even if it was shot at ISO 80. Bring up the shadows and you have noise that you can't get rid of even if you crank the noise reduction all the way up!

Other than that I like it but I'm still waiting to get a DSLR that doesn't have a massive problem with noise or low-light situations.

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