Saturday, March 23, 2013

Peeping Tom

This is that time of the year when creatures that were in hibernation start showing themselves again. Lizards are some of those creatures. More specifically garden lizards.

You won't find a single one of these lizards in your garden (or any other garden for that matter) during the cold winter months. March is when they start presenting themselves one by one. I love photographing them.

True there are quite a few who freak out when they see these but they are harmless little things. They are a million times more scared of you than you are of them...that I can guarantee. They have enormously long tails.

For some reason they always walk along walls, even if the wall is lined with broken glass and rusty nails. They are pretty fast and blend in very well with their surrounds because they can change their colour to a certain degree when needed. All this makes them pretty difficult to photograph but it is actually possible to get quite close when taking a picture - as long as you don't make any quick movements and don't get overly close so as to rub noses with them :P

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