Saturday, June 22, 2013

A Curious Visitor

This is a break from landscape/skyscape pictures. Don't get me wrong...I love those but I just thought I'd introduce you to a visitor.

Early one morning the guard came with a stick and something on it. I rushed out with a camera because I knew it was something living. I was not prepared for what I saw. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever imagine coming across a terrapin under such circumstances.

My Dad, on the other hand, was not surprised. He said that these creatures are very common here and he knew a guy who used to regularly eat terrapins and tortoises that he caught locally.

I'd never seen a terrapin before so I was really excited. My grandmother was there with us and she proceeded to wash the dirt off this cute little creature with water and then it was brought inside the house. We did this because we knew we couldn't let it out as there were loads of people who eat just about anything that moves.

The nose reminded me of a certain terminal of a charger. The eyes reminded me of a particular looks exactly the same!
I really liked it's feet (or whatever they are called).

The plan was to set it free in a stream near our house, the following day. We ended up keeping for two days and then I took it to the stream in a bucket and kept it ever so gently on the bank. Boy! you should have seen it go. It must have smelled the water and must have been excited to be free once again. For some reason that actually made me smile and made me happy :D

When I turned around there were a few men there who wanted to know what that creature was. I was later informed that those people apparently eat these. I'm glad I was able to let it free :)

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