Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Hanging On A Leaf

Yes, I know I'm getting worse with these titles/captions. I honestly can't think of good ones...or I'm just too lazy. It's probably the latter.

Whenever I'm bored at home and can't go out I grab my camera and go out into the garden where there are these bushes/shrubs. I always (well, almost always) find a spider or some other bug to shoot and I wasn't disappointed on this visit either. I saw a spider which was really shy and then some bugs (which I'll share over the next few days) and also this little insect. I've seen the same species countless times but I can't seem to ID them.

Anyway the reason I mentioned lemongrass is because this thin, long leaf is lemongrass. You have to be careful when you are moving among these - specially when you stick your hand with the camera into the plant because the edges of the leaves are razor sharp - I've cut my fingers quite a few times in the past.

Always remember that in macro photography the depth of field is really shallow so you'll want to hold the camera as steady as possible so that what you want will be in focus and not come out blurred.

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